Over 7,000 folks have my book!

Such an exciting week! We put Hannah up on CreateSpace a couple weeks ago. We gave it away free for a few days and 6,904 folks downloaded the book. Yahoo!!! Since the free period ended another 165 books have been purchased and I’ve received 2 five star reviews. I repeat, YAHOO!!!

Still no word from my agent on After the War, Before the Peace and Mama played for the King. But, there’s always tomorrow.

Been having some book signings and have met some interesting folks, but only sold a few books. Nothing like what’s happening at Amazon with Hannah.

Started a new book club at The Book Exchange, our local used book store. We discuss an author rather than a particular book. Last month it was John Grisham and next month it is my hero, Leon Uris.

My quote for the day comes from the movie Home Run. I just saw it last Friday and I highly recommend it. A little boy at bat for his Little League team get this advice from his coach. By following it, he hit a home run. The quote: “Nothing great happens when you hold back.” Cory Brand, character in the movie Home Run.

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